There are very many people who feel strongly that there will not be peace until the country disintegrate. While some are pushing for the creation of more States, believing that it will bring about peace, economic independence and development, other extremists are agitating for secession. On both side of the divide, the considerations are very strong. Some want greater autonomy of the federating States while others want outright self determination.
In theory, it may appear justifiable and possible to implement, but in practice, it will lead to anachy and division. The same imbalance experenced by the different tribes and sections in the society today will continue and will mutate into small cells conflicts amongst disgruntled and dissatisfied communities in these new autonomous nation States.
It is paramount that even if the country is divided into 36 different entities, it will never bring about stability, rather there will be strife and agitations of the minorities ethnic groups within these new independent States.
We do not want to visit the past and start recounting the ugly experiences that occured as a result of some parts of the country attempting to secced. The civil war, of course is still fresh in our minds. The castigation and extermination, by the federal government, of the Ogoni freedom fighters, lead by Ken Saro Wiwa can not be easily forgotten. Why do we have to spill more innocent blood agitating, when self-determination on its own, does not profer a solution.
The solution to Nigeria unity is not in secession, self-determination nor division, rather, all these will only result in the multiplication of the problems currently plaquing the country, and this will lead to a broader regional insecurity. Apparently, the solution lies in good governance, justice, fare and equitable distribution of our national wealth, which will in turn bring about peace, reintegration and development.
Early in the 18th century, the American society experienced many brutal conflicts. First between the American settlers and native Indians. Later came the slave trade, a bitter period of crime against the black race. Even as efforts were made to end this inhuman trade of persons, several groups kicked against ending the lucrative trade at the time, leading to the emergence of white supremacy groups such as the notorious Clu-Clux-Clan that went around executing and burning black families and setting fire on their homes and farm lands.
Today, America is united and stronger because of the introduction of the rule of law, which discouraged racism, sectionalsim and propagated peace, justice and equality of all men before the law.
The solution to Nigeria's unity is therefore by introducing the rule of law and de-emphazing tribalism, sectionalsim and separating religion from the State. Rule of law will foster peace and justice, equality and verile society. The country will be stronger and united as one indivisible entity.