Quote Me

"Time goes round in circles, repeating over and again events and occurrences of life."

"It is hard for successful people to find help. It is believed that they can always take care of themselves."
"Success takes you to the top where sycophancy is pre-dominant."

"Love is a spirit that overwhelms you like a charm."

"Talk is cheap when addressing idiots, but expensive for informed audience."

 "When the race is hot and you desire to eliminate all contenders, remember that you need them to run another race."

"It is only a foolish fisherman that lets off a big catch because of the plash of water."
"Those who add little or no value to your life, are often those who expects much from you."
"You can’t fully appreciate your capabilities until you put yourself to the test."


"Success is the reward for endurance and persistence at what you do."
"Evil coated in gold and glitters will always over-shadow good covered in sack and ashes."
"Life will always provide for those who sow a seed and wait patiently."
"Forgiveness is the antidote for healing broken hearts."
"The things that matters most are often those we take for granted."
"Opportunities are useful only to those who are available and prepared."
"War is a game of death, that is better not to start because it never ends without loss of lives."
"The past is history you can’t change, but the future is a story you can rewrite."
"Difficulties remain a life-long challenge for those who worry, but those who seek solutions improve their situation."
"We all are connected in an intricate web of life. Your lack of support to others only reduces your own chances of growth."
Love is a gift of the heart from one to another."
"Success is measured by your ability to keep failure under control."
"To be quick to promise and slow to fulfill is a sure way to build bad reputation."
"A promised broken by one person, dashed the hope of another."
"Criticism is a cheap skill that even idiots possess."
Life comes in tides and seasons. understanding and patience is key to harnessing your full potentials."
"Life is fun for those who are free-spirited. Letting the past go helps create room for the future."
"Evil is like a shadow, always casting your dark side behind you."

"Secrets are either too precious to share or too shameful to divulge, either way, they are never kept forever."
"Your present position, either up or down, is determined by your will or lack of it."

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